The wedding is just around the corner, and it is time to deal with the boring legalities. The most important of these is obtaining a Hamilton County marriage license. Applying for a Hamilton County marriage license in Chattanooga is exceedingly simple, but it can be time consuming if everything is not in order. Chattanooga has three different sets of regulations, depending on the age of the bride and groom, concerning marriage licenses. This article will discuss ages eighteen and over.
Marriage in Tennessee is a straightforward experience. A waiting period and a blood test are not required. Both parties are required to have a form of ID, such as a driver’s license, state issued ID, certified birth certificate, or passport. They will need to know the following basic information.
ü Parents full name (including maiden name of mother)
ü Parents state of birth and address, if living
ü Applicant's number of prior marriages
ü Date last marriage ended (if applicable)
After the forms are filled out, it is time to pay the government their part. Tennessee has two options concerning the cost of the marriage license.
· Option 1-With a Certificate of Completion-$40.00 plus a $5.00 fee for a certified copy of the marriage certificate.
· Option 2-Without a Certificate of Completion-$100.00 plus a $5.00 fee for a certified copy of the marriage certificate.
What is a Certificate of Completion? This is a completed form confirming the couple has spent at least four hours in premarital counseling. The counseling can be done by a minister, a therapist, or a social worker. According to the Tennessee County Clerk website, Tennessee does not maintain a compiled list of approved programs, but you can visit the licensure website or a local phone book. First Things First, a not for profit organization, offers approved premarital classes for $20.00, leaving $40.00 in savings that can be used for other wedding items.
Marriage licenses are valid for 30 days from the date of issue and must be received from the Hamilton County Clerk’s office. The marriage can take place outside the state, such as in a destination wedding, but must be returned to the issuing clerk for recording. The Hamilton County Clerk’s office has an online pre-application form that can be filled out and submitted. Then all that is required at the clerk’s office is signing the papers, verifying the information, and paying the bill.
Happy Weddings, everyone.